Breaking Free – January 2013 – Resolve to Go All-in in 2013


Breaking Free                                           832-886-6452                                                  Vol 7, Issue 4

“Resolve to Go All-In in 2013”

January 2013

Happy New Year!

This month’s newsletter is inspired by Chapter 10 of Kevin Hall’s 2009 book entitled “Aspire!“. If you haven’t read this book, you’ll want to put it on your 2013 reading list. The subtitle is “Discover Your Purpose through the Power of Words.” We’re going to look at the power of a few of the words from this chapter.

We are a couple of weeks into 2013 and many folks who have made resolutions have already broken them. Now, don’t feel bad if that is you. It’s ok. I think I might be able to help you get back on track. 


I believe that the problem may be that we don’t really understand what “resolve” means. It seems as though it should mean to focus in on or declare out loud. Funny thing is that it doesn’t mean either of those things. Resolve comes from the Latin word resolvere which means to loosen. True resolve is shaking free from that which may be hindering your path to success. So, here we are focusing and tightening our vision when we may actually need to take a different approach… one of shaking loose those things that tie you down and hold you back.

Rather than trying to loosen ourselves, our resolutions usually tighten us. They cause us stress as we focus on trying to fix our weaknesses. This, as neuroscience will tells us, actually helps tighten the grip that these weaknesses have on us. So, rather than making progress (pro meaning “forward” and gress meaning “to move”), we procrastinate (pro meaning “forward” and the Greek word crastinus signifying tomorrow.) So, we procrastinate because we’ll fix our weaknesses tomorrow. Let me propose another approach… don’t fix your weaknesses at all!!

Who among us thinks we can use our weaknesses to move forward? If you are poor at running backwards because, well, your eyes are in the front of your head, should you practice and practice fixing the fact that you can’t run backwards? NO! That’s silly. Wouldn’t the better use of your time be to get better at running forward?

If our weaknesses could propel us forward, they wouldn’t be called weaknesses, right? Yet we’ve been taught that our weaknesses need to be fixed which then causes us to decide to do that, well, tomorrow! And, as you know, tomorrow never comes.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote:

“Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction.”

Neuro-Axiology Hastens Your Resolve

Neuro-axiology is probably the best advancement in personal and professional development to come along in our lifetime. It is the technology that allows us to resolve – to loosen the grip of our bad valuing habits. Neuro-axiology shows us how to do that by measuring and using our strengths which allow us to progress the farthest and fastest. Neuro-axiology helps you to go “ollin” (pronounced “all in”). This is a good mindset to adopt for in 2013. I’m hoping you’ll join me as I do.


Ollin is an Aztec word that means “to move and act now, in this moment, with all your heart.” I must admit that I sometimes allow my doubts, fears and shortcomings to keep me from acting with all of my heart. I have procrastinated on so many things… writing my book, putting together low-cost training materials to reach more people, marketing to your companies and organizations with your help. Well, I’m going to stop that and practice Ollin.

How about you? What could you accomplish in 2013 if you decided to practice ollin?

The Power of “All Your Heart”

Ollin (or All-in) is about total commitment in the moment. For me, it’s going to be about my commitment to bring neuro-axiology to more of the world and help you to reach your mindset of ollin.

If you are hesitant or if you feel stuck, ollin is your way out. You just can’t overcome whatever thoughts are getting in your way by fixing them a little bit at a time… taking a class here or listening to a seminar there. Whatever it may be, whatever direction you want to go, you need to commit with all your heart, mind, strength and soul. Coaching and neuro-axiology will help you do just that by helping you get in touch with and own the best parts of you and your thinking. Everything you do starts (and somethings then ends) with a thought. It takes commitment to the thoughts that will add the greatest value to go all-in.

Ollin isn’t something you do half-way. I had a great ollin (all-in) experience last July when my friend, Nicole, encouraged me to jump out of a perfectly good plane from 14,000 feet. You can’t do that half-way. When the instructor says jump, well… you jump!


Click the image to see a short video if you’d like.

I want to encourage you to experience ollin this year (and you don’t have to jump out of a plane to do it! 😉 ). How?

  1. Decide on one thing that you can commit to doing with all of your heart, soul, mind, and body. It doesn’t have to be something grand; just try to stretch a little and make progress rather than procrastinate.
  2. Dig deep to discover the value of doing it. It’ll only take a couple of minutes. Look at the value to you and your life. Look for the value that it will add to the lives of others. Look for the ripple effect… if it adds value to others’ lives then they may pass it on in some way.
  3. Do it! Take action without worry or fear knowing that you will experience your own brilliance and a unique part of who you are if you do. Make ollin your goal.

How do I know that you won’t regret going ollin? Because I also want to encourage you to loosen the grips of the conventional measures of winning and losing and worrying about what other people will think.

Ollin is what will determine the success in our lives. With ollin as the definition of success, it is possible for all of us to succeed and be fulfilled in this New Year.

  • It is the private triumphs that matter the most.
  • It is internal achievements that are felt the deepest and last the longest.
  • It is the personal victories that aren’t recorded on the scoreboards or broadcast over the airways that define who you are and who you are becoming.

Resolve to expand your comfort zone and loosen the boundaries that you and your mind’s habits have currently set for your life.

Get unstuck from the internal dialogue that is holding you back.

Practice going all-in on just one thing this week and let me know how you feel when you accomplish it.

You see, significance is more valuable than success. Ollin will help you reach your success AND make you feel significant. Go Ollin, my friend!


Free Informational (& Inspirational) Webinars

Free Webinars

Do you want to learn how neuro-axiology can help you “resolve” and loosen the grip of your stinkin’ thinkin’?

Have you ever asked yourself “Why did I do that?” or “What was I thinking?” and really wanted to know the answer?

Would you like to learn how to get to your best thinking more often?

If so, please register for one of our free webinars in January & February. There you will learn how you can achieve ollin in 2013 by simply shifting your thinking to your brilliant thoughts.

5 Steps to Using Your Best Thinking to Go ALL-IN

Select the date and time that works best for you and click the link.
You’ll be able to learn more about the webinar AND register.
Registration is limited so DON’T WAIT.

Monday, January 28, 2013 @ 3:00-4:00 PM CST

Tuesday, February 5, 2013, @ 11:30-12:30 PM CST

Friday, February 8, 2013 @ 8:00-9:00 AM CST


Traci’s Book Is AVAILABLE


I am releasing my book today to those of you who read my newsletter.

(Kindle version coming in 3-4 weeks.)

 Breaking Free: Leading the Way

If you would like to learn more or possibly purchase the book, you can click here. 


I will send out an email announcing the full release of the book when the Kindle version is available.

Free Webinars

Join our free webinars to learn more about going ALL-IN in 2013!!

 Free Webinars

5 Steps to Using Your Best Thinking to Go ALL-IN

Select the date and time that works best for you and click the link.
You’ll be able to learn more about the webinar AND register.
Registration is limited so DON’T WAIT.

Monday, January 28, 2013 @ 3:00-4:00 PM CST

Tuesday, February 5, 2013, @ 11:30-12:30 PM CST

Friday, February 8, 2013 @ 8:00-9:00 AM CST 

Please Help

Only 8 people took this survey last month so I’m going to ask those 4,000 or so that haven’t to help me out by taking 2 minutes of your time to give me your opinion… PLEASE!


This quick 6 question survey is about YOUR personal and professional development plans for 2013.


Take a Survey


Click here to start the short survey.



“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”

Oprah Winfrey


“Your life is not a rehearsal. Don’t leave it without giving it your all.”

– Unknown


“Life does not require us to make good; it asks only that we give our best at each level of experience.”

– Harold Ruopp


“You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Free VQ Profile Report

First Steps VQ Profile

Do you know which of your mind’s perspectives are the clearest?


Did you know that your perspectives can be easily measured?


Try our FREE Assessment


Then schedule your free coaching session to review your results and learn how to put them into action!!




 I would love to hear what you think about this edition of Breaking Free.  Please leave your comments below.